Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Weight lifting! (For the ladies!)

Ok ladies! This one's for you! DO NOT be afraid to lift weights! Lots of girls think lifting weights will make you look like Mrs.Olympia! Well that is completely wrong! Lifting weights will tone your arms! I was super scared once I started lifting because I didn't want to be jacked. After I started doing arms and seeing results it was amazing! My arms were nice, toned, and looked nothing to be over sized for my body! The only way you're going to looked jacked is if your trying to look jacked! I started lifting 30lbs to start and slowly worked my way up to 70lbs-90lbs depending on the machine I was using!
If you can do more than 6-8 reps, the weight is too light! Increase the weight and see what works for you! Also change up your routine! It's not good to overwork your muscles! Try doing arms every other day and give yourself a rest day in between and work another body part like legs!
Happy lifting! :)

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