Friday, July 12, 2013

BBQ Chicken & Veg!

BBQ Chicken, Greens, and Veg Mix!

2 Chicken breast
1/2 bunch Asparagus
2 Small Zucchini's
1 package Portobello Mushrooms
1 package Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach
Couple tablespoons Olive Oil
BBQ sauce
Chicken spice (optional)

Recipe served my husband and I. But you can alter the portion sizes. 

To start my chicken I put it between two pieces of saran wrap, use a meat tenderizer and flatten the chicken breasts until it's about 1-2inches thick. I brush on olive oil on both sides of chicken breasts just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I grill until almost done, then brush on 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, any brand will do! I always go for the less sodium one. Then I add chicken spice and cook until its no longer pink.

Zucchini, Mushrooms, Asparagus:
I wash all vegetables first. Slice up 2 small zucchini's, cut the asparagus into chunks. I cut each piece of asparagus into three pieces. And lastly I add the mushrooms (I buy already sliced) into a bowl and coat with olive oil (so it doesn't stick). I cook my vegetables in a little wok bowl/basket made for the BBQ. I picked mine up at Winners. I also saw them at Canadian Tire, Walmart, Super Store, Winners, and Home Sense. I grill them all together until tender but so they still have a little crunch to them or however you like your veggies!

Greens (Swiss Chard, Spinach, Kale):
Boil water in a medium pot or whatever the greens will fit in on medium heat. Add greens when the water starts to boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes (my stoves gas so it takes no time to cook) or until greens are nice bright and green. Strain and serve!

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