Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chicken & Veg!

1 Chicken Breast
Asparagus as many as desired
Greens (Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard) as much as desired

To start my chicken I put it between two pieces of saran wrap, use a meat tenderizer and flatten the chicken breasts until it's about 1-2inches thick. I brush on olive oil on both sides of chicken breasts just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I grill until almost done, then brush on 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, any brand will do! I always go for the less sodium one. Then I add chicken spice and cook until its no longer pink.

Greens (Swiss Chard, Spinach, Kale):
Boil water in a medium pot or whatever the greens will fit in on medium heat. Add greens when the water starts to boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes (my stoves gas so it takes no time to cook) or until greens are nice bright and green. Strain and serve!

I cook my asparagus in the oven. It varies between how much asparagus I cook at a time depending how many people I'm feeding, so use as much or little as you need. I also put them in a glass cooking pan, then drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper over top and cook until soft but still somewhat crunchy.

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