Monday, July 8, 2013

Lemon Salmon with Greens and Asparagus!

Lemon Salmon with Greens and Asparagus!

8oz Fillet of Salmon (around 45grams of protein)
1/4 Cup of Lemon Juice
Salt & Pepper
Tin Foil
Swiss Chard
Olive Oil

 Preheat your oven at 400F, then put some tin foil down on a glass cooking pan (or any pan you use to cook with for the oven), then lay my salmon down on top. Then I pour the lemon juice over top of the fish and add salt and pepper. Stick in the oven for 10-15mins (I always check mine to make sure its not over cooked or undercooked depending on how you like your salmon; I also buy my salmon from Costco) and VOILA!

I cook my asparagus in the oven the same time I'm cooking my fish and normally they finish around the same time or depending on how soft or crunchy you like them! It varies between how much asparagus I cook at a time depending how many people I'm feeding, so use as much or little as you need. I also put them in a glass cooking pan (not the same as the salmon) then drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper over top and cook until fish is done!

Swiss Chard, Spinach, and Kale:
I use a medium size pot and fill half way with water and add a little salt. I normally start boiling my water about after my fish and asparagus have been cooking around 10 minutes (I have a gas stove and it takes no time to boil). Once the water is boiling I add my swiss chard, spinach, and kale. I use a whole bag from Costco called "Super Food" found in the vegetable section that includes the three greens. Normally between my husband and myself I cook the whole bag because they shrink up A LOT! And those greens are some of the best vegetables to eat while dieting or trying to lose weight, they contain tons of iron. I let them cook around 5-7 minutes when they're nice and limp but still nice and green, if you over cook them they lose their colour! Then once they're done I strain them in the sink. And serve! I myself just put salt and pepper on them, but add want you'd like! :)

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