Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So sorry :(

Hey everyone! I'm super sorry I haven't been updating and blogging in the past week or so. There has been a death and illness in each side of my husband and I's family. I will be updating very soon once I find some extra time! Thanks and sorry to any of the hardcore followers!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Green Tea and it's benefits! :)

Here's a great site to explain the health benefits of Green Tea! I take for 4 Green Tea capsules a day, and you can buy them at any grocery store or drug store over the counter! :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chicken & Veg!

1 Chicken Breast
Asparagus as many as desired
Greens (Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard) as much as desired

To start my chicken I put it between two pieces of saran wrap, use a meat tenderizer and flatten the chicken breasts until it's about 1-2inches thick. I brush on olive oil on both sides of chicken breasts just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I grill until almost done, then brush on 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, any brand will do! I always go for the less sodium one. Then I add chicken spice and cook until its no longer pink.

Greens (Swiss Chard, Spinach, Kale):
Boil water in a medium pot or whatever the greens will fit in on medium heat. Add greens when the water starts to boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes (my stoves gas so it takes no time to cook) or until greens are nice bright and green. Strain and serve!

I cook my asparagus in the oven. It varies between how much asparagus I cook at a time depending how many people I'm feeding, so use as much or little as you need. I also put them in a glass cooking pan, then drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper over top and cook until soft but still somewhat crunchy.

Chicken, Corn on the Cob, and Zucchini

A nice light clean eating meal!

1 Chicken Breast
1 Piece of Corn on the Cob
1 Small Zucchini

To start my chicken I put it between two pieces of saran wrap, use a meat tenderizer and flatten the chicken breasts until it's about 1-2inches thick. I brush on olive oil on both sides of chicken breasts just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I grill until almost done, then brush on 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, any brand will do! I always go for the less sodium one. Then I add chicken spice and cook until its no longer pink.

Husk your corn on the cob (meaning take off the outer part of the corn, which it grows in). Wash the corn. Place in a medium pot that is boiling. Boil for 15-20mins!

I slice my zucchini, and coat in olive oil. Then I dump them into my BBQ basket for grilling and grill until soft.

Planking Core Exercise! Tighten That Tummy! ;)

Salmon Dinner!

Salmon Dinner!

5oz piece of Atlantic Salmon (I bought from Costco)
Mixed greens as much as desired (Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard)
1 Medium Zucchini's or as many as desired
1/2 Portobello Mushroom or as many as desired

Preheat your oven at 400F, then put some tin foil down on a glass cooking pan (or any pan you use to cook with for the oven), then lay my salmon down on top. Then I pour the lemon juice over top of the fish and add salt and pepper. Stick in the oven for 10-15mins (I always check mine to make sure its not over cooked or undercooked depending on how you like your salmon; I also buy my salmon from Costco) and VOILA!

I cut my zucchini length wise, but you can cut it however you like. I mix in a bowl with a couple drizzle of olive oil just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I cook until grill marks on nice and dark on each side and zucchini is tender but somewhat crispy.

Portobello Mushrooms:
I cut the mushroom cap into slices, added some olive oil in a pan about 1 tablespoon then on the stove I fried them until dark and soft.

Greens (Swiss Chard, Spinach, Kale):
Boil water in a medium pot or whatever the greens will fit in on medium heat. Add greens when the water starts to boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes (my stoves gas so it takes no time to cook) or until greens are nice bright and green. Strain and serve!

Lean Meats

Here's a little post I found on Instagram of the lean meats you should be eating!

My fav healthy condiment!

I love love love this hot sauce! I put it on almost everything. Chicken, egg whites everyday, and even salmon! Super healthy and a condiment you won't feel guilty eating. Lots of body builders who are cutting and prepping for a show use this and Mrs. Dash spice! :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Don't neglect those legs! As painful as legs can be work threw the burn! ;)

Bacon Lover?!

Are you a bacon lover?

Do you love a big breakfast once a week? Or absolutely love your bacon?! Try turkey bacon as a substitute. We love bacon especially on Sundays in our household. So I decided to try turkey bacon. It's amazing! No grease at all. It cooks up like frying ham on a skillet. I use President's Choice Blue Menu brand, each piece has 30 calories. It's still not something you should eat daily, but on my cheat day (Sunday) we always have a big breakfast. It's still a lot better then greasy bacon, but still a treat!
Happy Sunday :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

4 Elements To A Healthy Clean Lifestyle! :)

Mixed Berry Protein Shake!

Fruit Protein Shake!

1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
Handful of raw mixed greens (Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard)
1 Cup Mixed frozen berries (fresh will do)
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
Almond Milk (as much or as little as you want depending on what texture you like your shakes!)

Blend everything together in a blender. Blend until you get the texture of shake you like! :)

Healthy Food Guideline! :)

Saw these charts on my Instagram and thought I would share! A great way to stay on track for clean eating! :)

Hardwork will pay off! :)

BBQ Chicken & Veg!

BBQ Chicken, Greens, and Veg Mix!

2 Chicken breast
1/2 bunch Asparagus
2 Small Zucchini's
1 package Portobello Mushrooms
1 package Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach
Couple tablespoons Olive Oil
BBQ sauce
Chicken spice (optional)

Recipe served my husband and I. But you can alter the portion sizes. 

To start my chicken I put it between two pieces of saran wrap, use a meat tenderizer and flatten the chicken breasts until it's about 1-2inches thick. I brush on olive oil on both sides of chicken breasts just so it doesn't stick to the grill. I grill until almost done, then brush on 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, any brand will do! I always go for the less sodium one. Then I add chicken spice and cook until its no longer pink.

Zucchini, Mushrooms, Asparagus:
I wash all vegetables first. Slice up 2 small zucchini's, cut the asparagus into chunks. I cut each piece of asparagus into three pieces. And lastly I add the mushrooms (I buy already sliced) into a bowl and coat with olive oil (so it doesn't stick). I cook my vegetables in a little wok bowl/basket made for the BBQ. I picked mine up at Winners. I also saw them at Canadian Tire, Walmart, Super Store, Winners, and Home Sense. I grill them all together until tender but so they still have a little crunch to them or however you like your veggies!

Greens (Swiss Chard, Spinach, Kale):
Boil water in a medium pot or whatever the greens will fit in on medium heat. Add greens when the water starts to boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes (my stoves gas so it takes no time to cook) or until greens are nice bright and green. Strain and serve!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry!

Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry!
1lbs boneless & skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch pieces (I used 3 chicken breasts for my husband and I and was a great amount)
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped (I used more because I love garlic)
2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger (I used fresh and added almost a whole root grated because I love ginger)
1 cup chicken broth (I used the one with low sodium)
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar (I used Splenda)
2 cups broccoli (I used more)
2 teaspoons cornstarch

Spray nonstick skillet with cooking spray; medium heat. Add your chicken, garlic, and ginger. Let it fry 2-5 minutes or until chicken is browned.
Add 3/4 cups of the chicken broth, soy sauce and sugar (Splenda). Cover and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir only a couple times.
Add your broccoli. Cover and cook about 5 minutes, stir here and here, until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and broccoli are crisp-tender.
Mix the cornstarch with the rest of the chicken broth. Stir into chicken and broccoli mixture. Let it cook and stir more frequently, until the sauce thickens. I had to add more cornstarch to the recipe to help thicken the sauce, I found 2 teaspoons was not enough.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Weight lifting! (For the ladies!)

Ok ladies! This one's for you! DO NOT be afraid to lift weights! Lots of girls think lifting weights will make you look like Mrs.Olympia! Well that is completely wrong! Lifting weights will tone your arms! I was super scared once I started lifting because I didn't want to be jacked. After I started doing arms and seeing results it was amazing! My arms were nice, toned, and looked nothing to be over sized for my body! The only way you're going to looked jacked is if your trying to look jacked! I started lifting 30lbs to start and slowly worked my way up to 70lbs-90lbs depending on the machine I was using!
If you can do more than 6-8 reps, the weight is too light! Increase the weight and see what works for you! Also change up your routine! It's not good to overwork your muscles! Try doing arms every other day and give yourself a rest day in between and work another body part like legs!
Happy lifting! :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

A little about me!

This blog is all of my past, present, and future experiences and efforts I have put into changing my life around! At one point in my life like tons of people, I didn't care what so ever about a "healthy lifestyle" and quite frankly I didn't want to care. After the sudden loss of my grandfather, I knew it was time to smarten up and I wasn't happy with what I was seeing in the mirror. I started changing my lifestyle first with food, and it started with simple things. Like breads and carbs, I went from white to whole wheat, and instead of potatoes I started eating more rice and sweet potatoes. I didn't completely cut everything at once, but I became more aware of the grease, fats, and sugars I was shoveling in my mouth. I also started dieting pills, which I took religiously. I wanted to see some results faster. I did manage to lose some weight off of them. But I wasn't using them correctly or safely almost doubling the suggested daily dosage. Yikes eh? 

After Christmas, I met my now husband. He was very into the gym and knew a thing or two more then I did about this eating healthy business and working out. So I got a gym membership. I would go every single day, and do at least 2hours of cardio. Cardio, cardio, cardio, is what I preach! It was the BEST thing I did to shed weight! Bouncing back and forth between the elliptical, bike, the stepper, and doing a cool down on the treadmill. My eating habits were super important at this time! All the recipes I'm adding were a lot what I ate or close to it!  This all started in January of 2012. By May of that year I was down to 122lbs. I also was a big chested girl and was on a waiting list for a breast reduction. Which I no longer needed after losing the weight and changing my life! Once I got down to the size I wanted to be, I started doing weights, and working on my abs and also toning. I didn't know my exact weight starting I'm going to say ballpark 155-160lbs (because I refused to see it on a scale back in October 2011 haha when my journey all started). By May I was up to hitting the gym two times a day! And this was my result!
I maintained this size fluctuating between 122-128lbs for the summer. In October of 2012 I got pregnant! :) I just recently had my baby girl Aubrey. At 39 weeks pregnant I was around 175lbs also I'm also 5'0 LOL big yikes eh!! If you're wondering NO I did not eat so much I gained that much weight, in the end I gained a ton of fluid/water weight that I had no control over. Well throughout my pregnancy I still ate super healthy. I did have my pig out days, I ate more normal. I did not diet, or count calories. I ate what I pleased. But more in moderation. I did stop working out. I was so sick the first 12-15 months puking my guts out everyday 3-5 times a day. During that time I dropped the gym completely. Being way to sick and tired to get to the gym. After I started feeling better, that was it. I was out of working out completely. At 39 weeks this was how huge I got! Literally an hour after my water broke HAHA!

Now I'm completely back on track to get my old body back! I've missed my hardcore lifestyle and eating clean! So I'm at it again! I still refuse to step on a scale. I'm super body image conscious. I just go by my clothes. Once I get a little more toned I'll feel much better! Especially after having a baby. But I wouldn't change that for the world. Just means I have to work extra hard to get back. Here's a post baby picture; 3 weeks and 2 days. I hope my blog can be inspiration and help to ANYONE trying to better themselves, if its working out, eating habits, or dieting! I just started back to my old workout routines and will be blogging everyday recipes, tips, or answering any questions! Feel free to ask questions and follow my blog! :)

Lemon Salmon with Greens and Asparagus!

Lemon Salmon with Greens and Asparagus!

8oz Fillet of Salmon (around 45grams of protein)
1/4 Cup of Lemon Juice
Salt & Pepper
Tin Foil
Swiss Chard
Olive Oil

 Preheat your oven at 400F, then put some tin foil down on a glass cooking pan (or any pan you use to cook with for the oven), then lay my salmon down on top. Then I pour the lemon juice over top of the fish and add salt and pepper. Stick in the oven for 10-15mins (I always check mine to make sure its not over cooked or undercooked depending on how you like your salmon; I also buy my salmon from Costco) and VOILA!

I cook my asparagus in the oven the same time I'm cooking my fish and normally they finish around the same time or depending on how soft or crunchy you like them! It varies between how much asparagus I cook at a time depending how many people I'm feeding, so use as much or little as you need. I also put them in a glass cooking pan (not the same as the salmon) then drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper over top and cook until fish is done!

Swiss Chard, Spinach, and Kale:
I use a medium size pot and fill half way with water and add a little salt. I normally start boiling my water about after my fish and asparagus have been cooking around 10 minutes (I have a gas stove and it takes no time to boil). Once the water is boiling I add my swiss chard, spinach, and kale. I use a whole bag from Costco called "Super Food" found in the vegetable section that includes the three greens. Normally between my husband and myself I cook the whole bag because they shrink up A LOT! And those greens are some of the best vegetables to eat while dieting or trying to lose weight, they contain tons of iron. I let them cook around 5-7 minutes when they're nice and limp but still nice and green, if you over cook them they lose their colour! Then once they're done I strain them in the sink. And serve! I myself just put salt and pepper on them, but add want you'd like! :)

Chocolate Protein Shake!
2 Heaping Scoops of Chocolate Whey Powder (70grams of protein)
1/2 Cup of Rolled Oats
6-8 Ice Cubes 
3-4 Cups of Almond Milk

First I add 6-8 Ice Cubes (or as many as desired for texture) I personally add around 6 because i don't like it too icy. Then I add my Chocolate Whey Powder (doesn't have to be the super fancy expensive brand but use what you want, I use a brand from Costco). I'll add my 1/2 Cup of Rolled Oats, sometimes I add less depends on my carb intake of the day. Normally my morning shake I add the oats, and for the afternoon I won't add any because I don't want any extra carbs! Then lastly I add 3-4 Cups of Almond Milk or less depending on how thick you want it! Then I blend and VOILA!

 I love these shakes and never get sick of them! It tastes more like a treat to me! I use shakes as a meal replacement and find them very filling. If you're not a chocolate person you can also use Vanilla Whey or any flavour you find! Happy shaking! :)